"How to Success Interview", Important Tips to be Success In Important Part

For most job seekers, face interview is part of the heaviest and most decisive phase of their success to get a job. The questions that can not be imagined and expected, often makes people nervous because they do not yet prepare answers. Sara Sutton Fell, Andy Teach and Miriam Salpeter, workplace experts share some tips for your interview answers. Here are some tips from them.

1. "Tell me about yourself"
While this is not a question, but the wrong answer can diminish your chances of getting the job. An HR executive once told me that this is a question that can trap. Recruiters according to the law should not asking important questions about yourself, but if you let slip answer, you can just tell you things that are not to tell. The worst way to answer this question is to tell the story of your life, where they will not be interested at all. The best way to answer this kind of question is to discuss the interest that you have and are associated with the work, and why the background of yourself will make you suitable as a great worker.

2. "What are your strengths and weaknesses?"

It is easy to tell about the advantages or strengths yourself, such as the nature of the detail and meticulous, hardworking, good team worker, etc. But it is easy to fell when discussing your weaknesses. Never tell your weaknesses, but the weakness has been fully conquered. The recruiters are already bored with the answers are always the same, such as, "The biggest drawback to me is I work too hard, so I had to slow it down."

The best answer to answer these questions is to discuss the weaknesses that you have overcome, such as your habits are often late, but after being reprimanded by his supervisor about the importance of timely, you are never late again.

3. "Where you position the next 5 years?"
The real intention of this question is, "Is this job according to your desired career path? Are you just apply just as it takes something? Is a long-term plan your career according to the position? The extent to which expectations can be realized your career? Are you thinking about long-term career? Or are you going to stop working after a year or two years? So that was expressed by Sara Sutton Fell, CEO and founder Flex.Jobs.

To answer this question, show that you have measured the ability of self and make your career plans in advance. Show that you want to grow professionally and able to accept more responsibility in the company. Never say things like, "I do not know," or "I really want this job."

Nobody can know the exact position of their careers in the next five years, but the recruiters want to see the commitment that you have on the job, the company and the industry. "In fact, I say that it is very difficult for you to be able to know what position will you hold the next five years, but ideally you would want to climb the career ladder company with your ability. You want to be in management positions, and your goal is to help companies with the best of your ability. If you give the impression that this work only as a stepping stone, most likely will not be interested recruiters to accept you.

4. "Tell me about the incident when you have a problem with a supervisor or co-workers, and how you handle it."

The hardest thing in the work is not about jobs, but people in the work place. Most employees have problems with their supervisors or co-workers. How can they overcome these problems will be much demonstrate their ability in dealing with others. If you are able to explain to the interviewer about your ability to cope with the problems facing other people in the right job, this course will give you a great opportunity to get the job.

5. "What is your request regarding salary?"

The intent of this question is, "Do you have realistic expectations regarding the matter of salary? Do we have the same view, or do you want more than what can we provide? Are you flexible about salary, negotiable or not? "

Try to avoid this question at the time of the first interview, because it will reduce the chance acceptable if you do so. Tell the recruiter, if you are considered to be accepted, you will mention your salary value, but if possible, let them the first quote. Visit websites like Qerja.com to obtain an overview about the salary of the job position. "No need to immediately receive their initial offer because aka tone always room for negotiation."

If it's time to mention the numbers, make sure your experience and education into consideration. "Also consider salary standards in the area where you work, because each area will be different. Talk in the range gives an overview of the current range, and mention that you can adjust salaries, and you are open to receive more benefit from the company. Convey with short and straight to the point, and relax if no response for a moment of silence after you bring it. "

6. "Why did you leave your last job?"

Recruiters want to know the motivation of your desire to leave work earlier. Are you an opportunist who just want to make more money, or are you hoping to find a job that would be your career.

If you leave the workplace because they do not like your boss, do not speak negatively about him, just to say that you have a different view of work. If due to a boring job, just say that you're looking for a more challenging position.

Talk about the positive things that you get from the last work, and focus on a new view of why this position is suitable for you, and you will be right employees for their company.

If you have left your previous job, Sutton Fell recommends some answers as follows:

If you are fired

Do not speak ill of your boss or your old company. Say that the company did release you and you understand their decision, and you already know what you want to improve in terms of work, and also convey how you will become a better employee because of it.

If your contract is not renewed

Again, do not speak ill of your boss or your last company. Say that you are indeed removed, and you understand the circumstances behind their decision, and you want to continue your future, and do not want to be silent in the past, and ready to do what you have learned in the past to a new company.

If you stop

Do not tell the details about your unhappiness or dissatisfaction. Should say that you appreciate all the experience and education you have received before, and you feel it's time you have to look for new opportunities and better, to develop the skills and insights you, and looking for the right company where you can grow.

7. "Why do I have to accept you?"

Recruiters probably would not give this question directly, but in every question you answer the interview will help them understand, why you are the right person for the job.

  "Focus on the background of yourself and why you are the right candidate, and also tell how you will contribute to the company.

Let the interviewer know that one of your goals is to make their job easier, to accept responsibility as you can, and you will feel the spirit of all of this work since the start on the first day.

Salpeter advise you to find out in advance overview of the responsibilities of the job. Look for three or four main points are important, whether it's about cooperation between divisions, working as a team, or a team member. If there is, your answer to this question should be focused with your ability to work as a team.


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